Sunday, December 2, 2012

On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer, on Vixen

You guessed it! Our theme this week is reindeer. We will also continue with Advent (the reason for the season).
A peek at our week:
This week in reading:
Practice with initial/ending /r/ sound
sight words: me, with, she
Concept Vocab: duckling, pond, puddle, plunged, proud, brave
Readers workshop story: Little Quack
Readers workshop: plot
Practice with nouns, adjectives, verbs
Blending with three and four letter words
Writers workshop: editing
Reindeer application
Reindeer stories
Comparing numbers to 5
Game: Cover the path
Comparing numbers to 10
Game: greater than or less than?
Game: Cover 9
1 More
Game: Cover three
1 Fewer
On Monday we made Advent wreaths with our mass buddies.



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