Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fun on the farm!!

We had a great time at Green Meadows Farm! Thanks to the parents who volunteered!

Milking the cows

Riding the horses!

Chasing the chickens!

Riding the train!

Petting the goats!

Holding the chicks

Holding the ducks!

Group Shot!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Peek at the Week 4/22

This week in:


Phonemic Awareness: /Vv/ & /Zz/ (please review short u from last week)
Amazing Words: travel, kayak, double decker bus
Big Book: "On the Move"
Comprehension: Main Idea
Sight words: where, come (Please review what, said, was from last week)
Using nouns in sentences

CCSS we will cover:

CCSS Reading 3, CCSS Language 3, CCSS Speaking/Listening 6, CCSS Writing 5


10-4: Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern
*Use drawings and number sentences to identify patterns on the first two rows of the hundreds chart

Begin Topic 11: Decomposing Numbers 11 to 19
11-1: Creating Sets to 19
*Use objects to create sets to 19

11-2:Parts of 11, 12, and 13
*Represent the decomposition of 11, 12, and 13 as ten ones and additional ones.

CCSS Standard we will cover: K.NBT.1

Theme: Finishing up the farm with a field trip to Green Meadows Farm and studying ducks and chickens!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Peek at the Week!

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone has had a wonderful and restful spring break!!

 It is officially wedding week! I will be working Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week. After Wednesday, please email Ms. bridges with any questions or concerns, she will be able to answer any questions you have. Please go through her directly instead of my assistants, as she is there full time. Her email is

This week in:


Question of the week: What kinds of transportations help people do their jobs?
Amazing Words: trailers, cabs, haul, steering, wheel, truckers, headlight
Sight words: what, said, was
Letter sound: short Uu (initial and medial)
Comprehension: compare and contrast
Big book: Trucks Roll


Finish up Topic 9 and begin Topic 10

9-7: Making 10, use objects to show 10 in two parts.
9-8: writing number sentences for 10, write number sentences that show how two numbers can add to 10
9-9: problem Solving: Make a Graph. Children will construct graphs using real objects or pictures to answer questions. 

Begin Topic 10: Composing Numbers 11 to 19

10-1: Making 11, 12, and 13. Children will represent 11, 12, and 13 as the composition of 10 plus 1, 2, or 3. 

Common core standards we will cover:

K.OA.4, K.OA.3, K.MD.3, K.NBT.1