Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Peek at the Week 4/22

This week in:


Phonemic Awareness: /Vv/ & /Zz/ (please review short u from last week)
Amazing Words: travel, kayak, double decker bus
Big Book: "On the Move"
Comprehension: Main Idea
Sight words: where, come (Please review what, said, was from last week)
Using nouns in sentences

CCSS we will cover:

CCSS Reading 3, CCSS Language 3, CCSS Speaking/Listening 6, CCSS Writing 5


10-4: Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern
*Use drawings and number sentences to identify patterns on the first two rows of the hundreds chart

Begin Topic 11: Decomposing Numbers 11 to 19
11-1: Creating Sets to 19
*Use objects to create sets to 19

11-2:Parts of 11, 12, and 13
*Represent the decomposition of 11, 12, and 13 as ten ones and additional ones.

CCSS Standard we will cover: K.NBT.1

Theme: Finishing up the farm with a field trip to Green Meadows Farm and studying ducks and chickens!


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