Monday, February 25, 2013

Peek at the Week

This Week in...


Phonemic Awareness: Short Ee
Story: If you could go to Antarctica
Amazing Words: penguin, continent, whale, seal, Antarctica
Sight Words: go, here, from
Conventions: Pronouns I, me
Comprehension: character and setting
Writing: Main idea and nonfiction writing


Topic 8: Understanding Subtraction

8-3: Stories about Comparing
       - Students will compare two groups to find how many more or fewer
8-4: Problem Solving: Act it Out
       - Students will act out and solve subtraction word problems and record the answers
8-5: Using the Minus Sign
       - Students will use the minus sign to represent "take away" situations when recording subtraction
8-6: Finding Differences
       - Students will use the equal sign, subtract, and write the difference


Lent books

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Peek at the Week

This week in...


Phonemic Awareness: Letter Gg (continue to practice blends at home too)
Readers Workshop: Character
Story: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Conventions: Complete sentences (sentences begin with an uppercase letter, end with a punctuation mark, and have a naming part and action part)
Sight Words: one, two, three, four, five

Common Core standards we will cover:

CCSS Reading 1, CCSS Language 3, CCSS Speaking/Listening 1, CCSS Writing 2

100th Day

Here's a look at the fun we had on the 100th day and field day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Peek at the Week

We have moved on to one of my favorite units... Penguins!! This will be such a fun two weeks learning about penguins and celebrating Valentines Day. Don't forget to sign up for our Valentines Center Day which is next Tuesday from 9-11am!
This week in...
Amazing words: woodland, nest, vale, hollow, comfortable, shadows
Sight words: one, two, three, four, five
Comprehension: sequence
Identifying complete and non-complete sentences
Big Book: "One Little Mouse"
*Consonant Blends (ex: -cr, -br, -gr, -tr, -sl, -bl, -gl, -fl)
CCSS Standards we will cover:
Foundational Skills 2.d; 2.e; 3.a; 2.c
Literature 1, 2
Informational Text 3
Speaking/Listening 1
Writing 8
Language 1.f, 2
We are working on Topic 7: Understanding Addition
7-1: Stories about Joining
        - "number story"; "join"; "in all"
7-2: More Joining
       - interpreting illustrations that show joining groups and write the corresponding numbers.
7-3: Joining Groups
       - "altogether"
       Determine how many there are altogether when two groups are joined
7-4: Using the Plus Sign
       - "add"; "plus sign"
7-5: Finding Sums
      - "equal signs;" "sum"
      identify and use the equal sign; add and write the sum
Common Core Standards we will cover:
K.OA.1; K.OA.2; K.OA.5