Monday, February 25, 2013

Peek at the Week

This Week in...


Phonemic Awareness: Short Ee
Story: If you could go to Antarctica
Amazing Words: penguin, continent, whale, seal, Antarctica
Sight Words: go, here, from
Conventions: Pronouns I, me
Comprehension: character and setting
Writing: Main idea and nonfiction writing


Topic 8: Understanding Subtraction

8-3: Stories about Comparing
       - Students will compare two groups to find how many more or fewer
8-4: Problem Solving: Act it Out
       - Students will act out and solve subtraction word problems and record the answers
8-5: Using the Minus Sign
       - Students will use the minus sign to represent "take away" situations when recording subtraction
8-6: Finding Differences
       - Students will use the equal sign, subtract, and write the difference


Lent books


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