We have moved on to one of my favorite units... Penguins!! This will be such a fun two weeks learning about penguins and celebrating Valentines Day. Don't forget to sign up for our Valentines Center Day which is next Tuesday from 9-11am!
This week in...
Amazing words: woodland, nest, vale, hollow, comfortable, shadows
Sight words: one, two, three, four, five
Comprehension: sequence
Identifying complete and non-complete sentences
Big Book: "One Little Mouse"
*Consonant Blends (ex: -cr, -br, -gr, -tr, -sl, -bl, -gl, -fl)
CCSS Standards we will cover:
Foundational Skills 2.d; 2.e; 3.a; 2.c
Literature 1, 2
Informational Text 3
Speaking/Listening 1
Writing 8
Language 1.f, 2
We are working on Topic 7: Understanding Addition
7-1: Stories about Joining
- "number story"; "join"; "in all"
7-2: More Joining
- interpreting illustrations that show joining groups and write the corresponding numbers.
7-3: Joining Groups
- "altogether"
Determine how many there are altogether when two groups are joined
7-4: Using the Plus Sign
- "add"; "plus sign"
7-5: Finding Sums
- "equal signs;" "sum"
identify and use the equal sign; add and write the sum
Common Core Standards we will cover:
K.OA.1; K.OA.2; K.OA.5
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