Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Peek at the Week

This week in...


Phonemic Awareness: beginning and medial /i/ sound
Blending words with short a and short i
Sight words: he, for
Readers Workshop: A Bed For Winter
Comprehension: sequence
Conventions: adjectives for opposites
Writing: using uppercase and lowercase letters and finger spaces 


Begin Topic 3
Counting 6 and 7
Reading and writing 6 and 7
Counting 8 and 9
Reading and writing 8 and 9
Pumpkin Bingo
November calendar skills: writing the date, graphing name syllables, daily domino, weather graph
Comparing more and less
Ordinal numbers (first, second, third, fourth. Fifth)

Social Studies:

All about the first thanksgiving


Finish up pumpkin experiment 


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