Monday, November 12, 2012

Peek at the Week

It's the last week before Thanksgiving break! Wednesday is our Thanksgiving center day. We will finish Unit 2 in our reading series this week and will begin unit 3 when we come back. This week we will continue learning about the first Thanksgiving.

This week in...


Oral Vocabulary: beanstalk, lad, ogre, magic, naughty, lend
Phonemic Awareness: Review short i and short a
Sight words: he, for
Comprehension: realism and fantasy, review sequence
Readers Workshop: "Jack and the Beanstalk"
Review adjectives
Writing: Writing process; Plan a story, draft, revise, edit, share
Writing: I am thankful for... ; Journey on the Mayflower

Standards we will cover:

Foundational Skills 1.b, 2.d, 2.e, 2.c, 3
Literature 2, 3, 5
Writing 3, 5, 7
Language 5, 5.c


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